More than just the Cleveland Cavalier’s slim title hopes, something else rests atop Lebron James’ shoulders: My byline. That’s right, crazy as it sounds, Lebron is personally responsible for whether or not I get my name in the paper. Allow me to explain.
On Wednesday one of the writers (Jamie Jackson) called Oliver Owen. Oliver seemed really excited and started blathering on over the phone about how they could change the center for this. When he got off the phone Oliver asked me a question: What position does Lebron James play?
“He’s a forward, I think. But he does a lot of ball handling, too.”
Then Oliver explained to me what was happening. Jamie Jackson had somehow landed a phone interview with Lebron. Considering this is sort of a limbo week for European sport, Oliver thought it was appropriate to run a full-length feature about King James given that the NBA playoffs start today.
The story is going to be about how Lebron James is talked about being the best ever. But enough already. Where do I come in and how is Lebron responsible for it exactly?
Oliver gave me a great assignment.
“This is how you are going to get your name in the paper,” he said. “I want you to compile a list of the 10 greatest NBA players of all time and write 100 words about each one. We don’t care about rebounds or things like that. Make it interesting. Make it funny. Didn’t Wilt Chamberlain boast about shagging tons of women? Include that.”
So I did. I wrote 100 words on my top-ten players. I was happy with it. Oliver was happy with it. On Thursday I actually saw it on the page (that means on the computer screen).
But here comes the problem. The interview with Lebron was supposed to be last night. It is not a guarantee, however. If Lebron suddenly decided he couldn't be bothered with some British journalist right before the playoffs, then the story is off. The Observer will run something about the Ryder Cup instead (which would be ridiculous because the Ryder Cup isn’t until September).
So anyway, that is how Lebron James is responsible for my byline. It’s going to be so frustrating if I don’t get it because I have already seen what it would look like!
Tomorrow I become the biggest Cavs fan in the world or become the biggest Cavs hater. It’s about time I had rooting interest in the NBA.
Comments Welcome,
You should opt for the Sixers instead...
Let's see this list!
So did The King call? I'm watching him against the Wiz right now. Really hope he did, pal.
Sixers are garbage. They're your fourth favorite team. Actually if you count BU basketball they are your fifth.
Fingers crossed.
Sixers are in the playoffs! And I'm no longer a fan of BU basketball... maybe once I graduate.
Fingers crossed, indeed.
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