Sunday, March 30, 2008

Things I Miss

This time of the semester is when we all inevitably have started to miss things about home. The problem is because we all know that the time is limited. The semester is only four months long. Whether we are counting the days until we have to leave or whether we are counting the days until we get to go home, we are counting something and know that it isn’t infinite.

I think it would be different if I knew I were going to live here. I could see myself living here for sure. But I know that at the moment I will be going back to the States in less than two months. And because of that, I know I am only that amount of time away from experiencing the comforts of home again. It’s like the final stretch of a race where I can see the finish line and imagine what it will feel like to stop running. Only London isn’t painful like running is. So maybe it’s more like I can see the finish line and in a way want to stop because it means I don’t have to run anymore and means that I will eventually just get to lie around not running, but at the same time it is going to burn for a long time immediately after I stop running. Enough of the metaphor because it doesn’t quite equate. I wanted to provide you of a list of things (note I didn’t write people) that I miss most about home. So here they are in order of how much they contribute to world peace (kidding. Maybe):

1) Dunkin Donuts

2) Loubea’s Pizza

3) A good steak

4) Fruit bars

5) Soda that’s the right size


7) ESPN 2

8) NBC Nightly News


10) American Football

11) Having a desk in my room

12) My cell phone

13) Riding in a car

14) Capital Hills

15) Golfing and skiing

16) People saying “thanks” instead of “cheers”

17) People saying “God bless you”

18) Boston accents

19) Commonwealth Avenue

20) The FreeP

21) The GSU

22) Turner Place

23) Coconut (is he too much of a person?)

24) American currency

25) The punctuation being inside the quote

26) AP style

27) Being underage

28) Being a kid

29) Knowing that this semester is the future instead of the present.

I had an article published in today’s Observer but it doesn’t have a byline. I wanted to give you a link, but for some reason it isn't online. Also, I got to go to a Premiership game (pictured here) and write a mock match report. It was hectic but really exciting.

Comments Welcome,



Nick said...

Frankly... I'm offended the words Nick or Cammarota aren't on that list. =P Well done. Your blog just keeps getting better.

I miss the FreeP too... oh, wait.

Nick said...

Meant to say... awesome pictures of "the pitch." Very cool.

Steph said...

Peanut Butter. I'm not sure if you share the same affinity or not or if you have the same issue in London as in Madrid, but I'm DYING for some Peanut Butter.

Steph said...

God damnit Nick. I hate... so much about the things that you choose to be.

Andrew Waite said...

I said THINGS, not people. I even made a note of it, gosh. I think I am in for next semester. I sent an email to Perry today.

Peanut Butter is not that good here, so I hear. I actually haven't had it. I don't really miss it, either. It's good when I have it, but not something I crave. I could use some Reces though because there is no wrong way to eat them.

Nick said...

But there's certainly a wrong way to spell them...

Nick said...

Also, I'd consider myself a thing. =) haha. Just kidding, very nice list. I'm sure I would miss a lot of the same.

And as far as the FreeP and "in" goes, in what sense are we talking here?

Andrew Waite said...

Meaning I think I will apply.

Anonymous said...

How about "your" TV, getting home cooked meals, and "Friends"? Fruit bars, by the way, are up to $3.50 a box! I never missed peanut butter when I was in Spain all those years ago, but many of my friends did. I guess they still don't have it.
You'll be stateside sooner than you think, missing the UK.
I'll send some R's p's.
Love, Mom

Andrew Waite said...

I said "Friends." And yea i do miss "my" tv. And "my" couch.

Anonymous said...

Question: You won't be underage anymore when you return home, so does that still qualify for the list? Anyways im jealous you got to a match. Hope everything is going well sir.

Andrew Waite said...

What I miss is the fact that I never will be underage again. While legality is something I have looked forward to just because it opens up the amount of people I can meet, there is still a major loss of innocence that comes with it. An innocence that I miss.
I saw your boys today. They don't look good. Wenger should have opened his wallet in January.