I want

to apologize for not posting in so long. As you know, last week was Spring Break and I was traveling through
France and
Italy. Each hostel advertised free Internet connection, which I interpreted to mean wireless, but it really just meant you could use their desktop. Not wanting to monopolize the machine, I was unable to post. But that does not mean I stopped writing. Below are the three posts that I wrote while abroad. They appear exactly how they appear should they have been posted on the day they were written. Sorry to throw this much material at you at once, but I think it is better to have it then to not have it. And if it is too much to read all at once, then don’t read it. Also, because I have posted these individually, you can feel free to leave comments on each individual post. I will check each post just as I would any new post.
Comments Welcome,
Hi Andrew,
Anything funny happen on the way to the forum? I am glad to read about your travels and reflections and to learn that you returned to Londaon safely (sorry it is the parent in me.)
Eating alone is an interesting process. I do as you did - bring a good book and strike up a conversation with the waiter.
Good luck with your internship. I sent you an email about my travel plans please respond when you have time . Good night.
Love Dad
Hey Dad,
Haha, nothing too funny. I will respond right away to that email.
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