Friday, March 14, 2008

God Bless You


Wednesdays are quiet. Even if a lot of people are in the office, which is rare for a Wednesday, no one really says anything. The quietness allowed me to observe something: The Brits do not respond when someone sneezes. No Guzentheit. No God Bless you. Not even an excuse you. Nothing. Silence.

In the States usually several people will elicit some sort of response. Here it was nothing. I think it relates to the Brits’ nature. They are a personal sort of people. To respond to someone’s body function I think they believe would be too invasive. In their eyes, it would be the equivalent of responding to someone going to the bathroom perhaps.

The first time someone sneezed, I muttered God Bless you in the usual low voice I utter it in. I realized no one else was doing the same. So when someone else sneezed later, I was purposefully quiet and discovered that really no one does respond. So finally, I had to sneeze. Obviously, no one responded. It was a little upsetting. I guess not upsetting, just discomforting. But this whole experience I guess is about breaking comfort barriers so it was probably a good thing.

I spent the day writing! No real news articles with quotes or anything, but stuff that should get published in some capacity. It will be for the Then and Now feature. It is a segment of the paper that looks at stadiums that have been demolished and turned into something like a mini mall. I did all the research and the writing about Harris Stadium, a cycling arena that was transformed into student housing at the University of Manchester. With any luck, it will be published soon.

Comments Welcome,


Prof. A said...

Are American newspaper offices quiet? I don't think I'm alone in assuming that they are busy, loud places.

Anonymous said...

What I notice is that pepole in Florida do not say God Bless You when you sneeze, even the Northerners. People are not that friendly here, I think they are embarrassed to utter those words except maybe to their family. You will not recognize the Jets so many free need a score card.
Love DFB

Andrew Waite said...

The American newspaper offices I have been in have been quite frantic. On Saturdays, The Observer is that way. During the week not many people need to be in, however, so it is pretty quiet.

Interesting about the sneezing thing. And I have tried to keep up with the signings. I like the talent, but a lot of talent doesn't translate into a good team. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

Andrew, I just read your edition to my last comment. Thanks. I love you. I love the way you take note of and describe the "little things" and pick up on the cultural nuances. On spring break this week, so I'll try to keep up with you better.

allison.manning said...

that whole god bless you thing is true in australia, too. it's crazy!

by the way, i'm coming to dublin april 3-7. if you feel like coming up there, i would really enjoy that.

Anonymous said...

I actually just sneezed in my office and two people said 'bless you.' One of them was the other BU intern, but one is British. Maybe you work with shmucks? -Liz