Friday, January 11, 2008

London Eve

My one Bag

On the eve of this grand adventure I am feeling a whole mess of things. The almost obligatory excitement is there. And believe me, it is much more sincere than that sounds. At the same time, some nerves are being struck. It’s akin to the night before leaving for college. What awaits? Who will I meet? Will I succeed?
I do feel pressure. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. Is it possible to waste? What if I don’t see all there is to see. “That’s silly,” you say. “You can’t possibly see it all!” But part of me feels like I want to. Like I have to. Like I can. So I will try, all the while knowing I am just going to come up empty.
Most of all, I feel as though I am about to disappear. London is an English-speaking city, just a six hour plane trip away and somewhat similar looking to Boston. But being there will be like being on the opposite side of the world. This computer is where I will do my most extensive home communicating from. My cell phone won’t have a (518) area code for the first time in my life.
I am going to be living in a foreign city. Not just visiting or touring. Living. I will shop in a grocery store I have never seen. Sleep in a bed I can’t even picture. But I guess the same thing would happen to me no matter where I was moving. Still, something about this feels different.
It’s strange because at many points in my life I have thought “Man, this is such a small world.” We all have. Well, right now, this globe has never felt more overwhelming. Tomorrow this petite man finds out just how gigantic earth really is.

Comments welcome,



Anonymous said...

you're not petite, you're ADORABLE!

Prof. A said...

I've created an alert for whenever you post, so this blog better be good. Let us know if you get a new favorite pub.

Also, start thinking about when a good time would be for me to come visit. I'm thinking March...sometime during March Madness?

Andrew Waite said...

ally, I am petite

Andrew Waite said...


Ill let you know when my Spring Break is. Other than that, I should be Ok. Although my dad is coming in April. I'll just keep you posted.

Anthony said...

Good job so far...

Anonymous said...

Andrew, lad to see you got there OK. Just like a cabbie in NY. Alan