Thursday, January 31, 2008

High Art

La Traviata, the opera I saw last night at The Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, was the epitome of “high art.” Not high in the Amsterdam sense, nor high in the sense of “Oh man my nose is going to bleed from being in this seat on the 5th level.” High as in classy, sophisticated even a bit pretentious. And I loved every second of it.

Just being in the Opera House (pictured throughout this post) was incredible. But the show was equally as mesmerizing. I recommend – whether you are seeing some cheesy musical or the finest ballet or opera – try to listen to the music first. Doing so makes the experience so much better because not only does it make the show easier to follow along, but you can sing along in your head as well. Don’t sing out loud, though. People will literally shush you.

La Traviata is about a man who falls in love with a prostitute. Then the man’s father tells the prostitute to leave his son because he doesn’t want her ruining his son’s good name. Yadda Yadda Yadda, she gets sick and dies. The end. I only mention the plot because I wanted to mention the sickness. The third and final act takes place entirely on her deathbed, which requires her to cough and be sickly. Well, in some sort of strange osmosis, the coughing in the audience really picked up in the third act. One lady had the hacks so bad that she had to leave her seat and go into the hallway. I guess art really can influence life.

That’s all for now. I am going to Germany this weekend with a few flat mates to visit Pat (You remember my friend who freaked the girl out because he looks 27). Next post will not be till Sunday night or Monday. Have a good weekend and go Giants!

Comments Welcome,



Alan said...

Hi Andrew, Glad to see you are not just going to pubs. Who is that girl with you. Keep it up and have a good time.also did you get my email about the Jets. Alan

Anonymous said...

hWHO IS THE GIRL IN THE PICTURE? IS SHE MISS LONDON OR MISS ENGLAND? Grandma worked with a lady whO loved opera, When we moved to Florida she shipped via UPS boxes of opera records that she wanted to sell.I still have them and every so often listen to one. The story and the staging is secondary, the music is the beautiful part.SPORTS: After given a 2 hour extension by the Twins the Mets and Santana came to an agreement on his contract 150 million fo seven years. go Giants. Have a safe trip to Germany LOVE YOU!!!

Andrew Waite said...

Absolutely, I am doing so much more than just pubs. I did get the email. I am not sure who that coach is but we will see if he makes a difference. The girl is Andrea, a fellow flatmate who had tickets as well,

Glad to see you figured out how to comment on the current post. I agree about the music being most important although because movement is so minimal, you can actually look at each moment as a live painting. That's a great deal for the Mets.