Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mind the Gap

In the first few days, I have noticed there are definitely some gaps between Brits and Americans. Part of me thinks that the Brits bring them on themselves. For some reason, I don’t think they are particularly fond of us. Maybe it’s just all the looks I have been getting when I open my mouth to say something. Or maybe I feel this way because of the anecdotes I am about to share.

Anecdote 1: The other night I was at a pub and there was a soccer game on TV. (EUFA Cup, Liverpool vs. Luton for those who may care. Liverpool dominated. Also, London Pride is the best beer I have had here so far – that should make you proud Paul). Anyway, this guy was watching a futbol-highlight show pretty intently. It was after the game so I figured I wouldn’t bother him too much by talking to him. “Who’s your side?” I questioned. “Tottenham,” he responded. Over the summer, I became interested in soccer, and Tottenham is actually the club I support. This is why:

Anyway, he was very short with me. I asked him if he thought it was a good move to fire the team’s manager (Tottenham is having an abysmal season) All he said was “Don’t know.” Now, if a British person were in the states and asked me if I thought it was a good idea to bench Chad Pennington (Jets Quarterback) in favor of Kellen Clemens (new Jets quarterback) I would go on a huge rant and probably have a long conversation with the guy. I would be so impressed that he knew so much about the love of my life. Maybe this guy was just tired or upset at Tottenham’s bad season. But hey, the Jets went 4-12 this year.

Anecdote 2: Tonight I went to see a play in the Waterloo area. I saw a version of Cinderella filled with burlesque comedy. They literally did the whole pie-to-the-face routine. It was a colorful show that was entertaining but not memorable. Anyway, on the way there, I got a little lost coming out of the Waterloo Tube station. I pulled out my pocket map but, just to make sure, I asked a policeman who was standing near by how to get to the Old Vic Theatre. “Go through this underpass and turn left,” he said. “Left? Ok.” So I did. I went as far left as I could until I got to the bank of the Thames. “Well this obviously isn’t right,” I thought. I knew left was wrong based on my map but had decided to trust the cop rather than the piece of paper. Stupid decision. I walked back past where the cop had been and saw a man coming down the street. I asked him directions. I obviously needed to make a right. Did the cop purposely point me in the wrong direction? Seems likely.

Despite the sound of this post, I am still adamant about meeting Brits. I just haven’t figured out how to do so yet.

Comments Welcome,



Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew,

Just keep trying. The Brits aren't known for their outgoingness. Jane says she can introduce you to numerous Brits if she can figure out how to respond to your blog. It takes time.
Love, MOM

Prof. A said...

I think you got unlucky with that Tottenham guy. Once I was watching an England game in a packed pub, and England trailed at half 0-1. I got into a little conversation with the guy next to me, and ended up predicting a 2-1 England victory, which is what ended up happening. Needless to say, he loved me. But your mom is right. Brits tend to be much more reserved than Americans

pmom said...

Hi Andrew, this is the third time I'm trying to write and it better be a charm. Your problems have more to do with your sour puss than any Brit short comings. Actually, I think it's just that both the pub guy and the bobbie were drunk.
Love, pmom

Andrew Waite said...


Thanks for the optimism. I am actually finding the gym might be a place where I can meet some Brits. Weightlifting is sort of a universal language in a strange way.

I think you're right about the Tottenham guy. He seemed to be the kind of guy who always just wants to keep to himself.

Welcome to the message board. I'm glad you have found this blog. And I don't have a sour puss! But I will try to smile more.

All three,
I messaged Liz and hopefully I will see her soon. She asked about each one of you and also asked if the crazy club was planning any European excursions.


Steph said...

Andrew Waite!

I'm glad I found this :) I have the exact same blog as you, color scheme and all, and for the exact same purpose.

I don't think the Brits can comprehend an American soccer fan. It just doesn't seem possible. I ended up watching the Green Bay/Seahawks slaughter fest last weekend in a bar in downtown Madrid. I got my fair share of mocking by the Spanish at the bar, mostly for yelling at the TV and partly for wearing a jersey. Hope you get to go see a live soccer game this semester. I live extremely close to the stadium where Real Madrid plays; I'm pretty excited to go :)

I just found out I'm going to London mid March. Perhaps I'll see you around the city! Hope things are going well for you. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Andrew, Keep checking out the pubs. You are going to meet a lot of strange people. Alan

Andrew Waite said...


I am glad you found this. I'll try to keep up to date with your blog. Sorry about the Seahawks. GO Giants!

Will do. And believe it.