Sunday, January 13, 2008

Interesting Men

View from my top bunk

(Scattered throughout this post are a few pictures of my room)

While traveling to my final destination of 12 Manson Place, Kensington, London I met two particularly interesting men.

The first: A Nigerian oil man who was in the states “on holiday” with his wife. We met while waiting for a Virgin employee to come and check us in. (They like long lunch breaks I guess). He had a very thick accent and was difficult to understand, but he had an awful lot to say. The conversation evolved from griping about the Virgin staff (that sounds funny if you don’t know I am talking about an airline) into an almost political quibble. He believes America has religion correct. We have freedom of religion in this country. He was against Islamic states that coerce people into having certain beliefs. “At airports, they check for bibles when they should be looking for bombs.” I agreed with him there. But he went on to say that he believes religion should have some part in the governing system. “Your founding fathers had Christianity in mind when they created this country.” Maybe, but that doesn’t mean certain Right-wing leaders should be able to impose personal Religious beliefs and create laws supporting them. Anyway, it was a spirited talk and helped pass the time.

The second: A cabbie. Before leaving for London, my sister gave me a couple of Bill Bryson books about his travels in Europe. There is a great moment in “Notes From a Small Island” where he talks about his experience with London cab drivers. “The other distinctive thing about them, and the reason I like to go to Hazlitt’s (hotel), is that they cannot bear to admit that they don’t know the location of something they feel they ought to know,” (31). Bryson must have driven with the same cabbie I did. “Where you going?” he asked us. We told him 12 Manson place. “Oh, 12 Mansion Place! I know it well! I have been there before!” Seconds later he is rolling down the window and handing us an almanac saying “Point it out to me in this book.” I jokingly said he should get a GPS system. He chuckled and pointed to his noggin. He claimed the street doesn’t really exist. Or at least, it has changed names. We arrived nonetheless at 12 Manson Place.

Orientation stuff this week. Will post if something interesting happens. May do picture post.

Comments Welcome,



Jeff said...

Glad you made it ok !!! Some of your pictures aren't showing up but that could just be on my end. Take more!

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,

I am glad you made it safely. Your room looks pleasant and certainly much better than the one you had last semester. I bet you made better time getting to London than I did getting back from DC yesterday.

Study hard, play in moderation and don't drink too may pints!!

Anonymous said...

If you couldn't guess the last comment was from your father.

Andrew Waite said...

How bout work? Does that factor into your plan for me? Glad to see you are reading dad. Feel free to call me. The country code is 044, I think. Mom successfully reached me so you can check with her.