Sunday, January 20, 2008

First Encounter

So I finally did it! I met Brits. Lots of em.’ And Belgians too! I found out last night that the weekend bar scene here is much different than the mid-week pub crawling. Though I prefer pubs, bars and clubs are actually venues for meeting Brits.

In east London, we met a group of guys studying at Queen Mary’s College who were from different small cities across the country. One was from Luton another from a town starting with “H” somewhat west of here. (I didn’t want to ask him to repeat it). Like me, they were adjusting to life in London. It was a bit strange to hear people speaking with British accents yet talking about not being comfortable within their own country. The same thing would happen to me if I moved to, say, Seattle, but the close-nit feel of this Island made me think most UK residents were familiar with their capital.

In a club in Camden, me and the three guys I was with (Including my high-school friend Pat who was visiting London from his study-abroad home in Germany) approached four British girls. Like the three guys in the other bar, these girls were also struggling with life in London. They were 20 as well and were on their way to a friend’s birthday party. One of the girls was creeped out by Pat because she didn’t believe he was only 20. “You’re 27!” He pulled out his ID and proved her wrong. She was shocked to learn that I was older than him. (Here’s Pat, for those of you who don’t know him). In the course of the conversation I asked them how they were able to identify us as Americans based on only looks. They couldn’t answer that question. I will get back to you when I have it answered (which may be never).

The night continued as such. Pat and I chatted with these guys from Belgium for a while. We talked politics, sports, life. It was fun. It seemed real.

Part of me wishes I could end my story there but, against my better judgment, I am going to continue it. Pat and I, yes Pat and I, found ourselves on a Saturday night in North-central London in a gay bar. Don’t get the wrong idea. I don’t mean we found our selves – as in we discovered something about our true feelings – I just mean ended up sitting in one. But, to be honest, it was an incredibly lively scene. The men were definitely interested in us, probably more than either of us really wanted, and we got into some lively conversations -- probably the best conversation of the night. We sat talking to these two gentlemen and somehow started talking about the elephant in the room. What amazed Dolan and I was that the two men did not believe in a “gay gene.” Dolan and I, the two straight guys, argued adamantly with these two guys, but they maintained that their life choice to be gay was exactly that: a choice. Puzzling.

I’ll try to stay away from posts about nighttime follies in the future. But I thought it important for you to know of some of my first encounters.

Comments welcome,



Prof. A said...

I bet by the end of your trip you'll be able to spot them by how they dress. Brits and Americans, that is, not gays.

Anonymous said...

Always expanding your horizons!
Love, mom

Andrew Waite said...

We'll see about that. Hahaha. And yea, I am pretty sure I already know how to identify a gay man's dress. Although it is different here because all the men dress so nicely.

I actually thought of you and dad in that last bar and and wondered what you two would be thinking. Staying safe. Don't worry.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,

I enjoyed your story and new experiences. I am glad you are finally getting to meet Brits of all types and orientation. keep the stories coming - it lightens my day. Love Dad

Andrew Waite said...

Thanks. Will do. You should e-mail me so we can start a running e-mail conversation. Also, when are you planning on coming? I would definitely like to go to Ireland with you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,

I am gald you mentioned the word "classes" in your story - I was having a few doubts. The internship sounds exciting and will afford you good opportunities. I am thinking about mid to late April and hope I will be able to use the free miles I have been racking up.

Mr. C is spending the night here as. He says hello. I have not seen him in awhile - hope he is not peeing on the carpet. Have a great weekend.

Love, Dad