Monday, February 4, 2008


So the flight for Germany left at 7:30 am on Friday. That meant we had to leave for the airport right around 4 am. Which meant sleep was hard to come by. Actually, my roommates and I went out for a bit with the thinking that we weren’t going to get a lot of sleep as it was. I got just one hour.

You have to take a bus to get to Stansted Airport. It was a cold morning – the coldest it has been and between the lack of sleep and the frigid air tucking itself behind my earlobes and refusing to leave, it was difficult to get warm. The bus was a godsend (and I am not religious). It was a balmy temperature, had spacious seating and the pleasant mrrr it made as it slowly departed central London created a climate as conducive for sleeping as almost any bed – at least at that moment.

We arrived at Stansted with plenty of time and approached the kiosk. No lines. Things were going swimmingly. That is until I actually tried to check in. They claimed to have record of my attempt to purchase a ticket but said that my credit card denied the charge. The result? I had no ticket to Germany. Surely it wasn’t a full flight. Can I just buy a ticket now? It was going to cost me 230 pounds for one weekend. That is more than my Spring Break trip cost me and that trip lasts more than a week.

Here’s the real trouble. I was pretty central to this whole trip because my flat mates and I were planning on staying with Pat who is my friend. So could they stay there without me? Should I fork over nearly $500? I decided I couldn’t do it. Not even to make them more comfortable. Dolan is friendly and he was going to be meeting them at the gate. Besides, he met them all when he visited London and they all got along quite well. It’s the reason one of the girls actually planned the trip. I never made it to Germany.

Apparently Dolan met them at the gate dressed in some skirt-type getup wearing a funny hat. It was all part of Carnival. I was told he said (and repeated throughout the entire weekend) “I can’t believe Waitey isn’t here.” But I guess they had a great time and it worked out for the best. Well, it worked out.

If you are wondering about my financial situation, the transaction failure appears to be a fluke. I have withdrawn money since and booked my Spring Break travel and hostel accommodations and have been charged for it. I have no explanation for what happened. I was even sent a confirmation number! But at least I saved money. I spent the weekend doing some London things like the British Museum and walking around Oxford Street (5th Ave of London). I also visited the Chelsea Football Stadium which is only a 25 minute walk from my flat.

Just a quick word on the Superbowl, which I watched until 3 am at the Texas Embassy in Piccadilly Circus: Perfection.

Comments Welcome,



Anonymous said...

Just one comment on the superbowl, Eli Manning wins play-off MVP for a quarterback not banging a hot chick....sadly Romo and Brady tied for last....

Andrew Waite said...

Word. You gotta have focus and somehow Eli had it. Tom Brady is a jerk. The best Superbowl I have ever seen. The best Superbowl I might ever see unless the Jets actually win one. I wish I was in Boston to rub it in all their smug faces.

Nick said...

I think it's the second-best I've seen... Rams-Titans was better, and both teams played a much better game... you can't deny the Pats player poorly. But still, amazing game, amazing Tyree play, amazing emptiness in Kenmore square last night.

Alan said...

Hi Andrew, Sorry you did not make the trip.Do not worry the Jets might make it next year. Alan

Anonymous said...

The biggest upset in Super Bowl history was when the Jets beat the Colts. The Jets were a nothing team in a nothing league and the Colts were a powerhouse in an established league.Did you check with the credit card company? have mom call them and try to clear this up. Sorry you missed Germany. Love You!!!

Andrew Waite said...

The Rams/Titans Superbowl was surely a better game. But this game combined with the result and the gut-wrenching agony it put New England through is priceless. This Superbowl reaffirmed my faith in the NFL.

I think it will take more than a year. But I guess you never know.

I believe it. But I wasn't alive to see it. And everything is cleared up financially.

Steph said...

That really, really scares me about your flight considering that I just booked about 6 flights with the same credit card a few days ago. Yikes. Speaking of, I will be in London in the middle of April if you're around :)

I just watched the highlight film. (I ended up missing the second half because the game started at midnight here and I had to leave for work at 8am). Good god. I wish I could see some pictures of the devastated faces of the Pats faithful.

Andrew Waite said...

I should be around. Let me know when you have specifics.

allison.manning said...

wow. look at all you bitter jets fans.

Anonymous said...

Tom Brady is not a jerk. A jerk doesn't donate his superbowl MVP car to his highschool for their auction which helps them raise over a million dollars... Tom Brady is a saint....You sir, are a liar....also I agree, Jets over Colts was the biggest upset ever....Broadway Joe had no business beating one of my favorites of all time in Johnny Unitas.....lame

Anonymous said...

I think this is a fun commercial you may like the "play".

I was wondering how much you liked the London Museum... I can not recall if that is the museum that has the re-creation of the Egyptian ruins. It had a room dedicated to that.. and had pillars approximately 30-40 feet indoors.. I hope you are enjoying London.

Two items:
I saw and lived the Jets...Colts superbowl... for me It was better than this weekends game... And, I hated the Jets. But, the fact that the "underdog" won again... this was a triumph. The Jet game was different in as much as the rivalry of the NFL versus the AFL was monstrous. The upset was huge. But, all that aside, The Giant game was actually a better "GAME"... The lead changed hands 4 times in the 4th quarter... NE 7- G 3,
NE 7- Giants 10, NE 14-Giants 7, Ne 14 Giants 17... All in the fourth quarter. The fact the giants had 4th and inches on the last drive was very suspenseful. The catch was one of the best around... and it came when Manning was "in the grasp" of half of New Englands defense.

Anyway, I will try to get the CD of the game, and should you be interested in watching the game.. hopefully that acquisition will be a success. I have several people I asked to se if I could acquire it from them.

One other thought re: The British... you never know.. it could be interesting enough to kick off conversations with strangers...Here is the experience I had: I was in Harrads.. and wanted a souveniger. I thought suspenders for my pants would kind of be a British thing... So, I asked a kind young lady for suspenders.. she blushed... she asked who they were for, innocent me.. I said they were for me to wear.. she turned Bright Bright Red.. I was confused... I gestured suspenders pants... eventually she understood and started to laugh... She shared.. you mean Braces... suspenders is what women wear to hold up their stockings... Then I blushed...I think you could use this to break the ice in a british pub... I am sure they would get a kick out of it.

Anyway.. I will try to acquire the game CD.. and will let you know if I am successful.

Last, I have a British (Pakistani) friend and shared you were in London, if you ever want to meet him, or, have him share local places or neighborhoods to see... or, if it serves you in your class work.. he said he would be glad to meet you some time over lunch etc. Good Luck and enjoy. Howie

Andrew Waite said...

I hope Pete is still alive after Sunday and that you are coping with it all (but really I don't feel bad). How'd Jennifer turn out with that story?

He is a womanizer. And he plays for an evil man. And I never said anything about the best Superbowl of all time, I said it was the best Superbowl I have ever seen. I didn't see the Colts/Jets Superbowl.

Why are you Beamer? Anyway, seeing that game would be of interest. But knowing the outcome would likely take away some of its power. The British Museum is what you are thinking of. It holds parts of the Parthenon and The Rosetta Stone. I really enjoyed the "suspenders" story and like the idea of using it as an ice breaker. That's an idea I wouldn't have thought of. You did a good job of telling it. If it happened to me, it would certainly be a post in this blog. Also, that commercial was great. I thought of the 72 Dolphins a lot during the game actually hoping that New England would not rewrite history.

Anonymous said...

Oh Waitesky, only you could hate one of the most genuine athletes in America.....I bet Pennington cheated on at least one of his girlfriends or knocked one of them up......and just because Mike Mussina played for a dumb manager, doesn't mean i think Moose is an fact I think the opposite....coaches aren't players and while they represent the team, I'm sure that the knicks would point out to you that coaches sometimes aren't always the ones with the brains or the moral compass.....

Anonymous said...

New York was crazy after the super bowl and i do not think the Giants win might have been the greatest moment in his life. So needless to say I was pleased. Also hows the job going? Have you been to any games yet? Also sorry about not making it to Germany, you got up early for nothing. Hope everything is going well!


Anonymous said...

Sorry for the poor grammar on the last comment. I meant to say it was the happiest moment in my dads life. Anyways wanted to clear that up

Andrew Waite said...

Yea your dad must have been stoked. My internship doesn't start for another few weeks, but I will let you know how it goes as soon as it starts.